April Harvard Business Review

I'm still in Laos - with a plane-worth of reading to do to catch up.  Regular posts will begin next week, although I'll try to send something from the 8000 mile ride back.

Of note, the April Harvard Business Review includes an infographic I wrote (with much editorial assistance from Gardiner Morse of HBR) on the causes of health care cost increases, and a few potential answers.  Here is a URL for a "teaser."  Subscribers can view the entire article on line, and Harvard-affiliated readers can access this through the Harvard Library - but the April issue won't be available until next month.  Many of the topics here will be familiar to readers of this blog.

For nonsubscribers, the issue has an interview with Atul Gawande (recent author of The Checklist Manifesto, noted in the column on the right), and articles on improving the delivery of care by Richard Boehmer of HBS and Tom Lee of Partners and Harvard Medical School.   I'm looking forward to seeing my copy!

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