Self Referral: Another Installment

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This month’s Archives of Surgery (Harvard Link)   has an impressive article showing that orthopedists who own their own ambulatory surgery centers are substantially more likely to recommend surgery compared to physicians who don’t have an ownership interest in the surgery center.

The author, Jean Mitchell, went through state filings and insurance company records and made phone calls to ascertain physician ownership of surgery centers. She then analyzed claims data from a large private insurer (representing about 40% of the Idaho market) and determined what percentage of patients with specific presenting complaints had a surgical procedure.  She reports on the differences in behavior between owners and nonowners.

Surgery rates were 33-100% higher for shoulder rotator cuff surgery, and 27-78% higher for arthroscopic surgery. The differences among surgeons increased dramatically around 2005, as more surgery centers were opened. (The exception is carpal tunnel surgery, where the orthopedists who owned centers did far more surgery, but the difference predated the surgery centers opening).

The increase in utilization when physicians financially gain from self-referral has been well documented for years.  See this post for a review of the literature as of a few years ago.  

In 1995, Idaho had 37 hospitals and 4 specialty hospitals owned by physicians.  By 2005, there were 42 ambulatory surgery centers, 39 of which are owned entirely by referring physicians.

There is no easy answer.  Regulations have not proven to be especially effective.  Physicians opened up “limited use” or single specialty hospitals because federal legislation prohibited referral physician ownership of general use ambulatory facilities. High margins are one of the problems – if surgery was not over-reimbursed, it’s not likely that capital would be available to set up such centers. We don’t see a self-referral problem for low margin procedures.  The AMA and physician specialty societies could take a stand against this self-dealing, but this self-referral increases the income of many leading specialists. It’s hard to take income away from physicians.

Speaking of conflict-of-interest, this study was funded by the American Hospital Association.  Hospitals have been the big losers as physicians have built competing ambulatory surgery centers, which drain the higher margin procedures from the hospital.  The Archives of Surgery fully discloses this potential conflict.  Not all the physicians who own surgical facilities disclose this potential conflict to their patients.

ADDENDUM: USA Today notes that health care reform will force physician-owners to disclose their ownership interest when they refer patients to their own imaging equipment, and offer nearby options.

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